Tim is an introverted, unassuming guy. He is the “cartoonist” of the family, always drawing skeletons and spirals. Everybody thinks he’s weird and nobody really believes in his doodlings. However the butler heard yesterday that he was accepted to the California Institute of the Arts. It’s probably not true. This guy is a failure. He’ll never do anything good with his life. Everybody is sure of it!
Reminds me of Tim Burton. I love the background info you provided, very informative. Great job!
This is excellent! I love the palette especially. Creates a nice mood. Nice, different composition too.
Sebastian, this is really nice. Great hair and wonderful lighting.
I have tears of joy.
I think Casey just found a new desktop image to replace Owen. Really fantastic, Sebastian!
Seb, you also rule!!!
really great work, you impressed me a little more at each new post...
amazing awesome good portrait!!! (idem for your great Louis^^)
really fun "blue ray fx" on the glasses and great scissorhands, always loved the way you managed all your hairs...
you also caught the guy's face so easily...
can't wait to see your next masterpiece!!!!
(ps:have you forsaken your own blog???)
Friggin' this is the best thing ever! This is by far my favorite piece of yours. Great line quality, great colors, everything. Awesome!
Wow, this turned out really great. I love the colors.
Thank you very much guys. I'm flattered by all these nice comments, especially because they come from such amazing artists.
I'm really proud to be part of Avalanche.
Thanks again.
I really like what you did with the hair.
I love it, man. The skin, the hair, the gesture of it all. Sweet.
Wow Seb, I love how loose you went on the hair and the subleties on his face and scissors fingers. WooHOOO CalARTS!!!
the hair is awsome, wow
i think its tim burton , isnt he?
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